Montag, 9. Oktober 2017

The 2nd week in Charles City - Chapter 2

The Wednesday started like every other school day, but after school we were invited to visit the fire department in Charles City. This is only one out of more departments in the whole Floyd County, which means that all the fire departments aren’t that big. It was very interesting and the thing everyone didn’t expected is that every department has ambulances and lifeboats which belongs to them. After that, our host moms picked us up. My host mom, my younger host sister and I went to Dairy Queen for ice cream and drove home. That was my first day off, with no other activities.
On Thursday was the last school day for the CC students. First we got our Comets sweatshirts with our name and number on it which was very important for us to get them. After that, we went to Expeditions for the last time. Mister Pittmann seemed quite sad, that’s why he decided that we should build a tent outside to do something special in his lesson, which we won’t ever forget. In our last German lessons everyone was very surprised that this is already our last day and it was hard for us and them to leave each other. We spent a lot of hours there with teaching, helping and of course having fun. I think I’ll speak for everyone of us that we will miss them a lot! After school some of us went to the Mexican restaurant or to the Y to workout. In the evening my host mom took Kristin, Laura, Joana and me to a trip to Target in Mason City were we surprisingly met Jella and Julia. It was a very crazy day.
On Friday the whole Charles City schools had a day off. Some of us did a trip to Minneapolis to do some shopping in the MOA. Julian and I stayed in Iowa and went on a trip to the John Deere Museum in Waterloo/ Cedar Falls. In the Evening, my host brother was supposed to play American football but the game was delayed because of a lot of rain. The game after them was stopped for a long time, that’s why we decided to stay home and watch some movies.
I’m very glad that our families give us so many opportunities here and it was the best week so far.☝

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